Group of Horribly Optimistic STatisticians

Welcome to GHOST! Our science club is a community of enthusiastic data scientists who are passionate about exploring the world through numbers and probabilities. Whether you are a seasoned data professional or just starting to explore the world of statistics, join us and become a part of the next generation of optimistic statisticians!

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That's us

That's us

From the left: Łukasz, Piotrek, Agata, Antoni,  Sebastian, Krzysztof, Adam, Konstanty, Asia, Przemek, Zuzanna, Oskar, Jacek, Alex, Michał, Ignacy, Anna,  Łukasz, Tymon, Wojciech, Alicja,  Zuzanna, Kacper (behind the camera) and many more that preferred coding instead of photo shoot.

We meet each week and do fun stuff with not only Machine Learning.

Our sections

Sections are conducted in the Polish language. However, if there are people from abroad willing to join, we change to English. Schedule of meetings will be revealed soon.


Leader: Kacper Dobek Description: If you want to explore computer vision and at the same time work on a project that has a real impact on environmental protection - this section is for you! In the upcoming semester, with the support of the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at PP, we will develop an AI algorithm to recognise tree species from aerial photos and test it on photos of Polish forests. This is not only science, but also part of a larger open source project that could change the way forest ecosystems are monitored. Meetings take place online, once a week. All you need is knowledge of Python and the basics of computer vision, and you'll learn the rest with us! Ready for a challenge?

GHOSTDay:AMLC 2025 Committee

Leader: Oskar Kałuziak Description: The organising section of GHOST Day - the best ML conference in Poland - is looking for new members. We work in sub-teams ie:

#finances and logistics: Controlling the conference budget, organising catering and the afterparty, booking hotel rooms for invited guests, filling in all paperwork, etc. Everything needed to make GHOST Day physically happen, i.e. our ‘where?’ and ‘how?’.

#marketing: Everything related to our social media profiles, finding and contacting media partners, creating graphics and maintaining our website.

#speakers: Searching for potential speakers, inviting them and follow-up contact when they show interest.

#sponsors: liaising with sponsors of our conference.

Working on GHOST Day, you will have the unique opportunity to interact with the best researchers and practitioners in the field of Artificial Intelligence. In your contacts you will have emails to people from such renowned companies as Deepmind, Google Brain, Meta AI, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, Nvidia, etc. It is also an opportunity to develop soft skills, learn about the AI environment in Poland and build your personal brand.

Intro to ML

Leader: Maria Musiał Description: The intro-to-ml section is starting for another year, this time in a refreshed form. During the meetings, section members will be able to learn the basics about artificial intelligence, machine learning and regression models. But this time, in addition to the dry and hard-to-digest theory, participants will be able to see how machine learning works in practice, based on real-life examples using a variety of datasets. One of the materials we will be basing the meetings on will be the iconic book ‘An Introduction to Statistical Learning’, which is available for free online at No knowledge of statistics, machine learning or artificial intelligence is required. This section is designed to introduce you to this new and interesting world in a smooth and enjoyable way, and to help you build a solid foundation to join the more advanced sections of the GHOST study circle in the future. And if you fancy learning how to communicate knowledge and present something that fascinates you in front of people - you can also present a topic suggested by us and collect extra activity points for doing so.

Introduction to Data Science

Leaders: Maksymilian Norkiewicz, Jędrzej Ogrodowski   Description: This section focuses on the fundamentals of Data Science. It aims to provide an introduction to the key concepts and methods used in this field. In addition to discussing theoretical aspects, special emphasis is placed on practical aspects, including tools for data processing and analysis, mainly using Python libraries. If you are just starting out in Data Science, this section will be the perfect place for you!

Kaggle Magle

Leader: Oskar Prusinowski Description: ‘Kaggle Magle’ is a section for anyone who wants to develop themselves by taking part in Kaggle competitions. We meet once a week to work together on different challenges. New to the world of machine learning? No worries - there will be an introduction to algorithms at the start and we'll show you how it all works. Then we'll get into teams, enter competitions and discuss our solutions together to squeeze the most out of them. I'm also planning my own competition with prizes at the end.

Management team

We are looking for people willing to: Help manage our social-media (FB, linkedin) and website. & Participate in the organisation of various events, workshops or meetups.

Melody Mesh

Liderzy: Antoni Jurga, Jakub Adamski, Piotr Foltyniewicz Opis: Celem naszej sekcji jest stworzenie programu łączącego najpopularniejsze platformy streamingowe muzyki oraz zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji do stworzenia algorytmu polecającego użytkownikowi utwory na podstawie podobieństwa do aktualnie słuchanej muzyki. Cechy utworów, na których będzie bazować algorytm, planujemy bezpośrednio czerpać poprzez analizę utworu, co umożliwi użytkownikowi odnajdywanie niszowych artystów, tworzących muzykę w guście słuchacza. Jest to sekcja praktyczna, czyli skupiać się będziemy na tworzeniu oprogramowania, a nie na prowadzeniu wykładów. Spotkania będą opierały się na wzajemnej nauce i rozwiązywaniu problemów. Zapraszamy osoby, które posiadają podstawowe umiejętności programistyczne (OOP mile widziany) oraz szczerą chęć poszerzenia swoich horyzontów.

Quantum Computing

Leader: Dawid Siera Description: Welcome to Quantum Computing for Machine Learning! Begin a journey where quantum computing technology combines with the power of machine learning. This section has been created to guide you through the fascinating world of quantum technology, starting from the basics to advanced topics such as quantum computing-based machine learning models and algorithms.Whether you are a beginner who wants to understand the basics or an advanced enthusiast who wants to push the limits of what quantum algorithms can do, you will find something here for you. Not only will you gain in-depth theoretical knowledge along with practical skills, but you will also have the chance to interact directly with real quantum devices.Join team projects, engage in discussions with like-minded people and industry experts to be part of the quantum revolution!

Tiny ML

Lider: Przemysław Łabuń
Opis: TinyML to sekcja o charakterze konstrukcyjnym, w ramach której pracujemy przy projektach opartych na mikrokomputerach i korzystających z rozwiązań uczenia maszynowego. W nadchodzącym semestrze będziemy pracowali nad platformą na kołach z czujnikiem LiDAR do mapowania 3D na komputerze Jetson Nano, oraz trenowali i wgrywali modele SI na mikrokontrolery.

Found your favourite section already?


We also invite people who would like to present some data analysis topics/projects at one of our meetings. We are open to suggestions!

Email :

Address :

Institute of Computing Science, ul. Piotrowo 2, 60-965 Poznan, Poland