GHOST 2019/2020
This semester GHOST will work in five groups – if you want to join us, it’s a last chance!
- Machine Learning Seminar
The group at each meeting discusses scientific papers from a selected area, e.g. types of augmentation or new optimization techniques. Every meeting a new topic is discussed, and each participant presents a different technique / approach on a given issue. Thanks to this, we hope that we quickly cover a vast amount of machine learning techniques. - Kaggle group
The beginning of the group’s activity consists in analyzing the winning solutions of already completed competitions and trying to come up with alternative solutions. In the further phase, after such training, we will take part in current competitions on our own;) - GHOSTRacer group
Continuation of the project that has been ongoing for several months – building a miniature “self-driving car”. - Intro to ML group
A group for people starting their adventure with Machine Learning. The group will choose an online course or a book to study. Weekly meetings will be used to ask questions, solve exercises and discuss the topic. - GHOST Day OC
Group ending the organization of the GHOST Day: AMLC conference at November 8, 2019 😉